Mesothelioma is a very rare form of lung cancer that arises in the mesothelium The visceral membrane immediately surrounds the organ, and the parietal membrane is a sac covering the visceral membrane. The visceral and parietal membranes make up the mesothelium. The mesothelium is referred to by different names, depending on what part of the body it is found in. In the abdomen, it is called the peritoneum; in the lungs, the pleura, and in the heart, the pericardium. These correspond to peritoneal mesothelioma (cancer of the abdomen/stomach), pleural mesothelioma (cancer of the lung lining) and pericardial mesothelioma.Many people who developed mesothelioma have been exposed to asbestos. These people have either worked on jobs such as auto mechanics, boiler makers, chemical plant workers, construction workers, electricians, hipyard workers, insulators, miners, pipefitters, plumbers, power plant workers, railroad workers, steamfitters, and welders, where they could have inhaled asbestos fibres or they have been exposed to asbestos fibres in many other ways.sbestos fibres are usually released into the air which makes it easier to be swept away and passed on to hundreds of people through inhalation. Moreover, asbestos can now be found in homes for families who have workers exposed to asbestos carry clothes that are contaminated with asbestos. A family member who washes these clothes can cause a great risk of developing mesothelioma.The symptoms of mesothelioma include pain under the rib cage or chest pain, abdomen pain and swelling, lumps in the abdomen, weight loss for unknown reasons and shortness of breath caused by pleural effusion or the fluid between the lung and chest wall. These symptoms are not detected until the later stages of the disease that makes it hard to cure. However, diagnosis can still be done through X-ray of the chest and abdomen, CT scans that provides cross-sectional pictures of the body, MRI scans that detects normal and diseased tissues, confirmed biopsies with samples of body tissues, and microscopic examination.Mesothelioma treatment can entail a number of therapies intended to kill cancerous cells, prevent the tumor from spreading or alleviate the symptoms of the disease. Each patient’s situation is unique and will shape their treatment plan. Factors such as the stage and form of mesothelioma, treatment history, patient’s location, ability to travel and financial situation are all important to consider when seeking treatment. f a patient’s diagnosis and health indicates that their response to curative treatment may be positive, their doctor may develop a course of treatment to remove the tumor(s) and attempt to prevent metastasis throughout the body. If the patient is dealing with a late-stage cancer, the treatment is more likely to be palliative in nature, addressing the symptoms while improving the patient’s quality of life.Surgery is one of the most common treatments for mesothelioma. Patients whose cancer was diagnosed before it spread beyond the lymph nodes may be eligible for curative surgery that removes the tumors. Depending upon the patient’s diagnosis and overall health, Chemotherapy has shown to be the most effective and least invasive form of treatment to extend life expectancy. Depending upon the location of the cancer, some patients may be eligible for heated chemotherapy, a treatment commonly used for cases of peritoneal mesothelioma. Cisplatin, the most commonly used chemotherapy drug for mesothelioma, is frequently used in conjunction with pemetrexed to achieve the most advantageous results in reducing tumors.any patients elect to participate in clinical trials as a way of building mesothelioma hope. Clinical trials are conducted to test up-and-coming treatments and medications before they are released and recommended to the public as a safe and effective way to treat an illness. The three stages of clinical trials test new drugs extensively, from the correct dosage required to the effectiveness of the drug. To participate in a clinical trial, a patient must first qualify for the study and meet specific qualifications.While that diagnosis may be hard to hear, with as many as 3,000 annual diagnoses of mesothelioma, more clinical trials and experimental treatments are underway to significantly improve that number. According to the American Cancer society, 40% of patients survive longer than a year and about 10% live longer than five years.
Specifying individual mesothelioma survival rates is difficult, because survival rates depend on multiple factors. However, MesotheliomaSymptoms.com offers a complimentary information packet filled with answers to questions patients and their loved ones may have.
for the people struggling with mesothelioma may god bless you